The 32nd edition of Temporada Alta, which will be held from 30 September to 10 December, comes and we want to explain to you what this year’s festival will essentially consist of through its keys. It will have a total of 99 shows, with around 160 initial performances, almost 40 premieres and 20 international mounts.
Here we tell you the keys to this year’s festival:
- We are opening the festival with an inaugural triple program that includes music (Antonia Font Concert), bets on a family program (la petiTA, a full theatre day for the entire family) and boosts contemporary creation and international collaboration with the premiere on 6 October of Face T(W)O, resulting from the European PPP (People Power Partnership) project.
- We will have the absolute premiere of Vudú (3318) Blixen, the new show by Angélica Liddell.
- The program includes a major co-production program of international premieres with names such as Complicité, Thomas Ostermeier, Milo Rau, Patrice Chéreau, cia. Rosas (Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker), Peeping Tom, Cristiana Morganti, the young Lithuanian director Jokübas Brazys or, in the musical section, Sophie Auster and Ingrid Caven.
- Other notable productions of this year’s festival include Casares – Camus: Una història d’amor, directed by Mario Gas, and reading texts by Míriam Iscla and Pol López (with the Barcelona Festival Classics), Els ossos de l’irlandès, de Teatre Nu, La materia. De la leona a la invencible, d’Olga Pericet i Daniel Abreu,, or the new projects of Las chicas del Barro, Las Huecas, Cascai Teatre, Jordi Oriol – Indi Gest, Ada Vilaró, Sergi Buka or Albert Pla, among others.
- We return to Barcelona with two proposals: The Golberg Variations BMV 988 of the Company Rosas, with Mercat de les Flors, and the re-montage of La Doleur by Patrice Chéreau and Thierry Thieû Niang with Dominique Blanc, at the Romea Theatre.
- A new Ibero-American Connexion will feature shows by Sergio Boris, Gabriel Calderón, Marina Otero and Mariano Pensotti.
- The Professional Week, headed by Angélica Liddell and the company of Roger Bernat, will host shows by Rodrigo García, Marina Otero, La Veronal, Nao Albet and Marcel Borràs and cabosanroque.
- We added to the programme the cycle Dijous de comèdia a TA, a program of comedy with the stand-up comedians of El soterrani, Ana Polo, Marc Sarrats and Judit Martín.
- La Ciutat Invisible Foundation, with the A Tempo project, returns to the schools with 11 new proposals and organizes the new Torneig de dramatúrgia for high schools.