Carmina Burana

La Fura dels Baus

    La Fura dels Baus presents an impressive version of the opera by Carl Orff

    La Fura dels Baus presents an impressive version of the opera by Carl Orff

    La Fura dels Baus has conceived a fast-paced Carmina Burana where the spectator, through stunning scenes, special effects and even spring fragrances, is fully immersed in the intense and exciting atmosphere of Carl Orff’s music. On stage, where a large cylinder ten metres in diameter surrounds the orchestra, while images projected on it illustrate the entire work from beginning to end. A giant moon, the thaw, cascades of water, a floral ecstasy, a live grape harvest, wine, water, fire… Carmina Burana by La Fura dels Baus is a sensorial, musical and literary, vital and energetic show, which has been seen by more than 400,000 spectators in Europe, Asia and America.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Stage direction and scenography: Carlus Padrissa (La Fura dels Baus)
    Assistant Stage Manager: Mireia Romera / Zamira Pasceri
    Costume design:Chu Uroz
    Illumination design: Melanie Schroeder
    Video and audiovisual design: David Cid, Sagar Fornies, César Càmara
    Sound design: Roc Mateu
    Direcció musical: César Belda
    Cast: Hevila Cardeña, Amparo Navarro, Rajiv Cerezo, Lorenzo Moncloa, Adrián Espada, Ángel Martínez, Raquel Cruz, més el cor, l’orquestra i un grup d’onze ballarines
    Production: La Fura dels Baus

    Espectacle en col·laboració amb:

    Veure més
    + Info

    Show in collaboration with:

    13 September, 20:3014 September, 18:0014 September, 20:3015 September, 18:0015 September, 20:30
    Durada: 1h 20min
    Price: 62€ / 58€ / 52€ / 48€ / 38€


    Prepara la teva funció

    Contextualize, before entering the function, the dramaturgy of La Fura dels Baus, one of the most innovative theater companies