El Pot Petit

New show - Nueva gira

    The most successful music group for family audiences in Catalonia returns to the stage with a new show

    The most successful music group for family audiences in Catalonia returns to the stage with a new show

    Can you imagine a magical land where the limits are set by the imagination? Well, that’s what El Pot Petit proposes! After the great success of their family show La PetiTA, they are back with a new show that includes their best-known songs and some new ones. A universe of magic, stories and humour where anything is possible. Come along on this journey with dragons, elephants, lions and ants, following the rhythm of the band’s 9 musicians who will bring you those songs that have been filling Catalan homes with joy for years.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Original idea: Helena Bagué Vilà, Siddartha Vargas Martínez i Pau Oliver Bover
    Director: Helena Bagué Vilà i Siddartha Vargas Martínez
    Dramaturgy: Helena Bagué Vilà, Siddartha Vargas Martínez i Marina Congost Nogué
    Musical direction and arrangements: Dani López Pradas
    Stage direction: Dans Invitro
    Puppet Building: Martí Doy Bigorra
    Costume design: Carme Puigdevall i Plantés
    Sound Design: Marc Usano Pujol
    Lighting Design: Sergi Torns Martínez
    Actress and singer (Jana): Helena Bagué Vilà
    Actor, singer and guitar (Pau): Siddartha Vargas Martínez
    Titler and voices: Marina Congost Nogué
    Battery: Pau Oliver Bover
    Bass and vocals:Jaume Guerra Meneu
    Piano, violin and voices: Albert Dondarza Roca
    Guitar and vocals: Irene Garcés Torrebadella
    Trumpet: Marina Feliu Hernández
    Trombone: Maria Astallé Delgado
    Production: El Pot Petit

    Veure més
    • Show sponsored by:

    From the same company

    la petiTA (TA23), És Nadal a dins El Pot Petit (TA21), Les aventures del Lleó vergonyós (TA20), 10 anys amb El Pot Petit (TA19)

    8 December, 12:008 December, 17:00
    Duration: 1:10h
    From 3 years old
    All children from 3 years old must have a ticket for the show
    Price: 16€ / 12€