Become a volunteer!
Experience one of the most acclaimed performing arts festivals in southern Europe from the inside. Meet people who share your love of cultural events. Meet leading national and international artists and companies.
What being a Temporada Alta volunteer involve?
The Festival’s success would not be possible without the commitment and involvement of volunteers.
Being a volunteer allows you to take part in the creative and organisational processes of the Festival, take an active part in Temporada Alta and experience its dynamic cultural environment, as well as discovering how to manage the communication and organisation of cultural events.
The volunteers form part of three departments: communication, production and patronage. We are looking for people from all backgrounds, over 18 years old, with a desire to join in and a love of the performing arts.
Be part of the team!

What are the steps to becoming a volunteer?
1. Register now on this form, you have time until May 30, 2023. If you were part of the TA21 volunteer team, you do not need to register! We will contact you shortly.
2. We are preparing an informative session. We will inform you of the details soon, but remember that in order to attend, you must have previously registered on the form.
3. The volunteers will be chosen after informative meetings with the professionals of the Festival.
4. Enjoy the #TA23 experience
What can you help us with?
As a volunteer, you will collaborate with three Temporada Alta departments in a transversal way: communication, production and patronage.
We want you to live the Festival in the best way and give you the opportuniy to collaborate, learn and enjoy Temporada Alta. In this way, during the Festival you will develop several tasks related to these three departments, so you can discover what you like the most. In addition, you will have a unique opportunity to meet scenic arts lovers like you and to see the insides of a festival like Temporada Alta.
Being part of the volunteer team requires different levels of availability, we will ask for your availability at the time of registration and prior to the assignment in order to be able to go to collaborations that adapt to your commitment.

How can you collaborate as a volunteer?
> Support for the Festival’s communication team:
Attention to the public and information to the spectators
Attention to the press in meetings with companies
Support in the preparation and development of complementary actions to the shows, in spaces of action before and/or after the programmed functions
Support in the sale and distribution of merchandising
Help in the dynamization of public participation spaces such as the project #Enganxa’taTA
Support in some activities linked to Fundació La Ciutat Invisible such as accompaniment to the La Colla d’El Club children workshops
> Support for the production team:
Make a link between the companies and the Festival: prepare the welcome materials for the artists, give support to the Festival staff in their relationship with the companies, collaborate with the Festival staff in the collection of artists at the Festival, airport …
Support room staff in the care of the public before, during and after the function
Support the distribution of material such as handheld programs
> Support for the patronage team:
Collaborate in the pre-production, production and start-up of complementary events to the Festival’s shows by the sponsoring companies
Support the sponsorship department in activities and events during the Festival
This year, the volunteer team will support all the departments in a transversal way and, from the Festival, we will guarantee the rotation between the various tasks so that you know the different facets of the Festival, enriching the diversity of tasks you will perform and the training you will receive. If you have doubts, we will hold an information session on June 6 at 7 pm at the Fundació La Caixa (Fontana d’Or). Remember that you must sign up beforehand.
The different tasks require different levels of availability: some of them ask to have availability during the week, others in days of functions, some of the tasks require prior support to the Festival’s offices and others focus, above all, on the support spaces. In all cases, we will ask for your availability at the time of signing up and prior to the assignment in order to be able to allocate you to tasks that fit your commitment.