2012 edition
Temporada Alta, a festival for the future
We lay the foundations of what the Festival of the future should be like. We have a budget 30% lower than the previous year and this affects the programming. We reduce the number of shows (30%) and performances to focus on what we believe should be the lines of the future: placing more emphasis on contemporary creation, expanding international relations, enhancing Catalan authorship and working more closely with other Catalan agents. The leading artists this year include Blaï Mateu, Angelica Liddell, La Zaranda, Sol Picó, Zimmerman & Perrot, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, William Forsythe and Fabrice Murgia.
Shows: 80 (+ cinema)
Co-productions: 21
Premières: 43
Spectators: 47.081 (total) / 90,02% (tickets sold)
Halles: 23 (+ cinema)
Budget: 2.025.453,62 €

Poster 2012, Francesc Torres
The photographer Francesc Torres (Barcelona, 1948) is the author of the image which illustrates the poster for the 21st Temporada Alta Festival, set to begin on 4 October.
Torres is the author, among other works, of the recent installation titled Memòria fragmentada: 11-S NY Artefactes a l’Hangar 17. In this case, he has used a photograph taken by his daughter with the first digital camera she owned. The moving image is accompanied by a description in relief of Temporada Alta, in which Alta accompanies the ascending movement of the girl enjoying herself on a fairground attraction in such a way that it looks like an image of an acrobat. The Temporada Alta 2012 poster is complemented by the application of the new festival logo, created by the elpulpo team of designers.
Short film 2012
This year, Temporada Alta promote itself with a spot that doesn’t explain what Festival is but shows the frame in which it had been made: a tired and economically exhausted country, part of a Europe who run the risk of thinking in past instead of future. The short film, a Nanouk films’ production, was rolled in a Girona’s geriatric with the participation of Marta Matheu soprano.